TM completed segments: 0

Other segments: 28

TM completed words: 0

Other words: 162

TM Completed sentences

Original Translated

Other sentences

Original Similar TM records
The login page will open in a new window. After logging in you can close it and return to this page.
Please log in again.
Close dialog
not translated in current language
Version %s
Thank you for creating with WordPress.
Scan the selected plugins for strings
create PO file
Not translated or needs update
Fully translated
Translation status
Strings in the plugins
Scan the theme for strings
If your theme or plugins falls in this case, enabling this option, WPML will try to retrieve this from the plugin or theme "Text Domain" header, if set.
Note: It is not safe to use variables, constants or functions in gettext calls. Read "%s" for a detailed explanation.
Internationalization: You’re probably doing it wrong
Automatically use theme or plugin text domains when gettext calls do not use a string literal.
Load translations if found in the .mo files. (it will not override existing translations)