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Dictionary, but more engaging: Case Study | |
Introduction | |
We often take freedom of speech for granted in many democratic countries, while knowing little about its rich history, key figures, and the ideas that shaped it. I wanted to change that by creating |
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How It All Started | | | | | |
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n my previous design projects, I frequently explored social issues, so I decided to focus on freedom of speech this time. My goal was to help bridge the knowledge gap, especially for people in my generation, by offering an immersive yet educational site where they could explore this topic. | |
The Ideation Process | |
I got multiple variations combining various motives and one of them inspired me to move further with creating a generative keyboard in |
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Going WebGL | |
sh instead, which allowed for all the 1500 keycaps to use the same geometry with minimal performance impact. | |
Let's Have Fun | |
The most "aha moment" for me was when I introduced the second render target that allowed me to smoothly translate the user into another, different scene. (You may notice the Tesseract inspiration from |
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The Final Layer on Top | |
To wrap everything up, I started working on the user interface using |
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Because I was heavily focused on the WebGL aspect and short on time, I skipped much of the prototyping and designed the UI directly in the code. This was contradictory to the standard design workflow I usually follow, but this way I was able to see in real-time how my ideas fit within the scene and the existing interactions. Thanks to that, I even had some happy accidents, discovering options I wouldn’t have tried otherwise, like the horizontal scrolling in the terms detail or the draggable menu in the top right corner. | |
Audio | |
To fully immerse the users, I also wanted to create some kind of audio experience. From all the competences I had in this website, this was definitely the one furthest from my skill set. | |
I was surprised however how easy it was to create a high-quality voiceover with an AI tool like |
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User Testing | |
Due to the experimental nature of the web and the alternative navigation I implemented, I decided to conduct user testing to ensure the experience was as usable as possible. Through three rounds of testing with a total of 8 participants, I was able to identify most of the usability issues. This experience confirmed to me once again how important user testing is, and how little is enough to make things more usable. | |
With Accessibility in Mind | |
As a designer, I believe our work should be accessible to everyone, but achieving this with 3D environments is challenging. Inspired by |
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Wrapping up | |
Being the sole creator of the content, design, and development was challenging and it took several months for me to finish the whole site. Looking back on the process, I'm glad I live in times where I have so many great tools and educational content available, allowing a student like I was at the time to create an immersive web experience by himself, almost for free, and even help him land his first SOTD. | |
Technologies | |
Frontend Frameworks and Libraries: |
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Backend Technologies: |
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About the author | |
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