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The Mummy 3 The Mummy 3
Plot Grundriss
However, fearing his death would end all he had accomplished, the Emperor summoned the sorceress Zi Yuan and sent her to a monastery with his second-in-command, General Ming, to find the long-lost Oracle Bones, which holds the key to eternal life. Da er jedoch befürchtete, dass sein Tod alles beenden würde, was er erreicht hatte, rief der Emperor die Zauberin Zi Yuan und schickte sie mit seinem Stellvertreter, General Ming, in ein Kloster, um das lange verschollene Orakel Bones zu finden, das den Schlüssel zum ewigen Leben enthält.
The revived Emperor accepts Yang’s services but kills Wilson. The O’Connells try stopping him with Lin’s help, the woman who earlier attacked Alex, but he escapes. Lin reveals that she possesses the only weapon that can kill the Emperor—a cursed dagger. Der wiederbelebte Emperor nimmt Yangs Dienste an, tötet aber Wilson. Die O'Connells versuchen, ihn mit der Hilfe von Linaufzuhalten, der Frau, die zuvor Alex angegriffen hat, aber er entkommt. Lin enthüllt, dass sie die einzige Waffe besitzt, die Emperortöten kann - einen verfluchten Dolch.
The Emperor and Yang arrive, and he bathes in the waters, restoring his human form and granting him supernatural power. Morphing into a three-headed dragon, he steals the dagger, kidnaps Lin, and flies back to his tomb. The Emperor revives the Terracotta Army for world domination and directs them to breach the Great Wall, after which they will be invincible. The Emperor und Yang kommen an und er badet im Wasser, wodurch seine menschliche Gestalt wiederhergestellt und ihm übernatürliche Kräfte verliehen werden. Er verwandelt sich in einen dreiköpfigen Drachen, stiehlt den Dolch, entführt Lin und fliegt zurück in seine Gruft. The Emperor erweckt die Terrakotta-Armee für die Weltherrschaft wieder zum Leben und weist sie an, die Great Wall zu durchbrechen, wonach sie unbesiegbar sein werden.
The O’Connells and Zi Yuan pursue the Emperor to the Great Wall, where Yuan, using the Oracle Bones, sacrifices her and Lin’s immortality to raise an undead army of the Emperor’s enemies, led by a revived General Ming. As the two undead armies clash, Alex rescues Lin. Yuan fights the Emperor and steals the dagger from him before he mortally wounds her. While dying, she gives the blade to Rick and Alex. Die O'Connells und Zi Yuan verfolgen Emperor zum Great Wall, wo Yuan mit Hilfe des Knochenorakels ihre und LinUnsterblichkeit opfert, um eine untote Armee der Feinde von Emperoraufzustellen, die von einem wiederbelebten General Ming angeführt wird. Als die beiden untoten Armeen aufeinandertreffen, rettet Alex Lin . Yuan kämpft gegen Emperor und stiehlt ihm den Dolch, bevor er sie tödlich verwundet. Während sie stirbt, gibt sie die Klinge Rick und Alex.
The Emperor retreats into the Great Wall, where Alex and Rick confront him while Evelyn and Lin fight Yang and Choi. During the fight, Lin throws Yang into rotating gears. Choi tries to save him, but both are crushed to death. Meanwhile, Rick and Alex overpower the Emperor and stab him with the dagger, defeating him and destroying the Terracotta Army. Ming and his army celebrate before entering the afterlife. The Emperor zieht sich in das Great Wall zurück, wo Alex und Rick ihn konfrontieren, während Evelyn und Lin gegen Yang und Choi kämpfen. Während des Kampfes wirft Lin Yang in rotierende Zahnräder. Choi versucht, ihn zu retten, aber beide werden zu Tode gequetscht. In der Zwischenzeit überwältigen Rick und Alex den Emperor und stechen ihn mit dem Dolch ab, besiegen ihn und zerstören die Terrakotta-Armee. Ming und seine Armee feiern, bevor sie ins Jenseits gehen.
The O’Connells and Lin return to Shanghai, where Alex and Lin start a relationship. Jonathan moves to Peru with the Eye of Shangri-La. Die O'Connells und Lin kehren nach Shanghai zurück, wo Alex und Lin eine Beziehung eingehen. Jonathan zieht mit dem Auge von Shangri-La nach Peru.

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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor[2] is a 2008 American action adventure fantasy film directed by Rob Cohen, written by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, and produced by Stephen Sommers (director of the first two films), Bob Ducsay, Sean Daniel, and James Jacks.
[3] The film is set in China rather than Egypt and focuses on the Terracotta Army‘s origins. It is the third and final installment in The Mummy trilogy. It stars Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, Maria Bello (replacing Rachel Weisz, who played Evelyn in the first two films), John Hannah, Luke Ford, Anthony Wong, and Michelle Yeoh.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor premiered in Moscow on July 24, 2008, and was released in the United States on August 1, 2008. The film was a commercial success,[4] grossing over $405 million worldwide, though it was the lowest grossing film in the trilogy and received generally negative reviews from critics. Universal Pictures rebooted the Mummy franchise with a 2017 reboot film, in an attempt to start a cinematic universe under the name Dark Universe.
In ancient China, a warlord unites the country’s kingdoms into an empire, becoming the Dragon Emperor. He leads a civil war to become the founder of the Qin dynasty, with his men burning existing books and scrolls. The Emperor later orders the construction of the Great Wall of China and buries his enemies’ corpses beneath it.
Zi Yuan and Ming fall in love despite the Emperor wanting her personally. When one of his servants witnesses them consummating their relationship, he has Ming executed in retaliation. However, Zi Yuan anticipated this: instead of giving him immortality, she cursed the Emperor and his army, turning them into the Terracotta Army.
In 1946, thirteen years after the deaths of Imhotep and the Scorpion King,[a] Alex O’Connell, Rick and Evelyn O’Connell’s son, and his archaeology professor Roger Wilson find the Emperor’s tomb. Though attacked by a mysterious woman, they bring the sarcophagus to Shanghai. Meanwhile, the British government entrusts Rick and Evelyn to take a gemstone called the Eye of Shangri-La back to China.
During the Chinese New Year in Shanghai, the O’Connells learn that Wilson works for a rogue military faction led by General Yang and his assistant, Colonel Choi, who provided the financial backing for Alex’s expedition. Yang believes the Emperor can lead China out of the chaos following World War II and the Chinese Civil War, resurrecting him using the Eye of Shangri-La, which contains mystical water from Shangri-La.
Along with Evelyn’s brother, Jonathan Carnahan, the O’Connells and Lin travel to a stupa in the Himalayas that will reveal the path to Shangri-La. With help from yetis summoned by Lin, the group holds off Yang’s forces, but the Emperor discovers Shangri-La’s location. The Emperor gravely wounds Rick while Alex triggers an avalanche, slowing the Emperor’s pursuit. Lin takes them to Shangri-La, where Zi Yuan still lives and can heal Rick’s wound. Lin is actually Yuan’s daughter, both rendered immortal by the mystical waters.