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Homepage Strona główna
5-stars 5 gwiazdek
Qubicy Hotel Hotel Qubicy
∙ Where the sun meets the sea ∙ ∙ Tam, gdzie słońce spotyka się z morzem
Contact us Kontakt
About us O nas
Qubicy Hotel has been operating since 2006. Hotel Qubicy działa od 2006 roku.
When you choose Qubicy for your stay or event, you choose high standards and specialists with rich professional experience, all in a unique, island setting. Wybierając Qubicy na swój pobyt lub wydarzenie, wybierasz wysokie standardy i specjalistów z bogatym doświadczeniem zawodowym, a wszystko to w wyjątkowym, wyspiarskim otoczeniu.
Rooms Pokoje
Conference Rooms Sale konferencyjne
Fitness Centers Centra fitness
Lobby Bars Bary w holu
Restaurants Restauracje
Golf Course Pole golfowe
tortoise tortoise
hote featured image hote featured image
historical buildings historical buildings
Are you looking for the perfect vacation? Szukasz idealnych wakacji?
Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, resort vacation, family adventure, or a historic immersion, Qubicy Hotel has a variety of unique offers throughout the year. Niezależnie od tego, czy szukasz romantycznego wypadu, wakacji w kurorcie, rodzinnej przygody czy historycznego zanurzenia, Qubicy Hotel oferuje wiele wyjątkowych ofert przez cały rok.
Meet the locals Poznaj miejscowych
Relax in our idyllic swimming pools Zrelaksuj się w naszych idyllicznych basenach
Explore the history of the island Poznaj historię wyspy
Enjoy delicious food Ciesz się pysznym jedzeniem
Conferences Konferencje
wedding table stół weselny
Receptions Przyjęcia

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Qubicy Hotel guarantees comfort in both leisure and work. Our 5-star facilities include 175 rooms and 15 conference rooms equipped with high-tech audio-visual equipment.

Our 5-star facilities include 175 rooms and 15 conference rooms equipped with high-tech audio-visual equipment.

Each of our hotels feature an exclusive restaurant. Guests can also enjoy lobby bars and fully-equipped fitness centers (swimming pools, saunas, gyms, relaxation rooms) in some of our facilities.

Guests can also enjoy lobby bars and fully-equipped fitness centers (swimming pools, saunas, gyms, relaxation rooms) in some of our facilities.

What makes us special
1. Over 10 years of experience
Our event and hospitality specialists average at least 10 years of industry experience before joining our team, and our hotels have used their expertise to keep improving since 2006.
Our concierge team makes sure your stay is stress free and seamless. You can trust our events team to think of every detail. Our restaurant and fitness staff provide you with memorable experiences with a smile.
Thousands of guests visit our facilities every year and give Qubicy Hotels top ratings. But you don’t have to take it from us:
Qubicy Hotel has been featured four times in the top 3 hotels on the island by
noreferrer noopener
We have also received notable mentions from, the famous travel site.
2. Sunny rooms
Qubicy Hotels offers 175 spacious, well-appointed rooms and suites, all of which offer a magnificent panorama of the sea. Step out of your room and onto the beach to spend your day in the beautiful island sun.
3. Best meals on the island
Whether you want to try Michelin-star fine dining or the freshest seafood in the country, our restaurants offer something for everyone.
Skilled chefs use a small number of ingredients to create highly complex dishes in a parade of courses.
What else we provide
conference room

Conference Rooms

conference room manager




Host a memorable event for work or your organization in Qubicy's air-conditioned and fully-equipped conference rooms.
We offer 15 conference rooms that hold a range of 10-300 people, depending on your event's needs.

Lounge chairs for everyone
We provide comfortable lounge chairs for absolutely every guest at no extra charge.
When it’s raining cats and dogs in your country, book your stay at Qubicy to soak up the sun!



Make your birthday party, anniversary or wedding reception exceptional at Qubicy Hotel.
Our experienced staff are here to iron out all the details and make your special day a smooth one.
Learn more

∙ Enjoy your unforgettable experience on the island ∙
Book your stay now

Book your stay

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