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div class="buy-page-lead"WPML offers convenient pricing for businesses and Web agencies building multilingual WordPress sites. All account types include support and updates for a year and our strong class="semibold"30 days money-back guarantee./strong
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strongStandard translation controls/strongTranslate content using the WordPress editor/div
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strongAdvanced Translation Editor/strongUse WPML’s side-by-side translation editor/div
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strongAutomatic Translation/strongSave 90% of your time by starting with automatic translation/div
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strongString Translation/strongTranslate any text coming from any theme or plugin/div
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strongTranslation Management/strongWork with your team of translators or translation services/div
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strongPage Builders support/strongEasily translate your designs from Elementor and other page builders/div
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strongE-Commerce support/strongFully translate WooCommerce sites and popular extensions/div
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strongFull Site Editing support/strongTranslate headers, footers, templates and more from Gutenberg/div
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strongTranslation Services Integration/strongUse WPML's partner services to translate content professionally/div
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strongSupport & updates/strong
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h2Multilingual Blog/h2
pThe basic option for multilingual WordPress blogs/p
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strongStandard translation controls - Unlimited/strongTranslate content using the WordPress editor/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="bc-desktop"Unlimited/div
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div class="bc-uncheck"Unavailable/div
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div class="bc-mobile"1 production websitebr /3 development websites/div
div class="bc-desktop"1 productionbr /3 development/div
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div class="bc-mobile"Support & updates - One year/div
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div class="bc-popular"Most Popular/div
h2Multilingual CMS/h2
pThe complete solution for multilingual WordPress/p
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strongStandard translation controls - Unlimited/strongTranslate content using the WordPress editor/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="bc-desktop"Unlimited/div
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strongAdvanced Translation Editor/strongUse WPML’s side-by-side translation editor/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
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strongAutomatic Translation - 90,000 translation credits/strongSave 90% of your time by starting with automatic translation/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="bc-desktop"90,000 translation credits/div
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strongString Translation/strongTranslate any text coming from any theme or plugin/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongTranslation Management/strongWork with your team of translators or translation services/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongPage Builders support/strongEasily translate your designs from Elementor and other page builders/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongE-Commerce support/strongFully translate WooCommerce sites and popular extensions/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongFull Site Editing support/strongTranslate headers, footers, templates and more from Gutenberg/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
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strongTranslation Services Integration/strongUse WPML's partner services to translate content professionally/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
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div class="bc-mobile"3 production websitesbr /9 development websites/div
div class="bc-desktop"3 productionbr /9 development/div
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div class="bc-mobile"Support & updates - One year/div
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h2Multilingual Agency/h2
pThe complete solution for agencies, building many multilingual websites/p
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strongStandard translation controls - Unlimited/strongTranslate content using the WordPress editor/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="bc-desktop"Unlimited/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongAdvanced Translation Editor/strongUse WPML’s side-by-side translation editor/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongAutomatic Translation - 180,000 translation credits/strongSave 90% of your time by starting with automatic translation/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="bc-desktop"
strong180,000 translation credits/strong
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongString Translation/strongTranslate any text coming from any theme or plugin/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongTranslation Management/strongWork with your team of translators or translation services/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongPage Builders support/strongEasily translate your designs from Elementor and other page builders/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
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div class="bc-mobile"
strongE-Commerce support/strongFully translate WooCommerce sites and popular extensions/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
div class="wpml-purchase-table__cell"
div class="bc-mobile"
strongFull Site Editing support/strongTranslate headers, footers, templates and more from Gutenberg/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
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strongTranslation Services Integration/strongUse WPML's partner services to translate content professionally/div
div class="bc-check"Available/div
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span class="unlimited"Unlimited websites/span
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span class="unlimited"Unlimited/span
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div class="bc-mobile"Support & updates - One year/div
div class="bc-desktop"One year/div
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div class="wpml-purchase-link wpml-purchase-link__margin"Want to learn more first? a href="/?page_id=5812"WPML features »/a
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h2 class="purchase-faq-header"Frequently Asked Questions/h2
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div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse1"Is WPML compatible with my theme?/a
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divWPML works great with most themes. Any theme that uses the WordPress API for its functionality (like custom fields and post types) will work smoothly with WPML. We cooperate with theme authors to ensure compatibility and resolve any issues. If you buy WPML and have any sort of problem, we'll do our best to help. If we can't or you don't want to use WPML, we a href="/?page_id=5898"refund your order/a promptly./div
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h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse2"Which WordPress versions is WPML compatible with?/a
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divWPML runs on WordPress versions 3.0 and above. We always upgrade WPML ahead of new WordPress releases, to make sure that you don't have to wait for us. WPML works great with both single-site and multisite installs.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse3"What is the difference between the different account types?
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divIf you're running a blog and you want to translate it yourself, the
Multilingual Blog
account type is right for you. When you're building websites for clients, you need either
. Both account types include all of WPML's components and will allow to translate every aspect of your site. Your clients will be able to use WPML's Translation Management capabilities, which include translator roles, job queues and email notifications.
Multilingual CMS
account type allows to build only three sites with WPML and
Multilingual Agency
account type allows building an unlimited number of sites with WPML.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse4"Can I upgrade my account later?/a
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divYes, you can always upgrade from a lower-cost account type to a more complete one. When you upgrade, you only need to pay the difference.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse5"How do account renewals work?/a
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divYour account will renew automatically every year, giving you access to new versions of WPML and our support. Account renewals cost 75% of the original price. You can cancel renewals if you're not interested.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse6"What happens if I don't renew my WPML account?/a
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divYou need a valid account to download WPML, register or re-register sites, and get our support. Without a valid account, WPML will continue to work, but your site will be at risk of breaking changes in future WordPress updates. For more information, see our page about
a href="/?page_id=12049303" target="_blank" rel="noopener"
WPML renewal
a href="/?page_id=12683137"
why it's important to keep your WordPress plugins updated
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse7"Will WPML translate my content automatically?/a
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WPML offers a built-in automatic translation feature powered by
a href="/?page_id=12125981"
DeepL Translator
a href="/?page_id=12198557"
Google Translate
, or
a href="/?page_id=12231823"
Microsoft Azure Translator
. It’s an affordable and quick way to translate your whole site, or just certain posts and pages. You or your translators can review the translations before or after you publish them. Read more about
a href="/?page_id=4673061"
automatic translation
a href="/?page_id=4673223"
how much it costs
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse8"Will WPML slow down my site?/a
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divWPML should never slow down your site. If your site feels slow after installing WPML, please check the steps to a href="/?page_id=2623510"prevent performance issues/a. If WPML causes any performance issues and we can't fix them, we will refund you. We guarantee this for up to 12 months after your purchase.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse9"Do I get a tax invoice?/a
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divAfter your purchase completes, you can log in to your WPML account, enter the company information and get a printable tax invoice on the company's name./div
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse10"What's your support policy?/a
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divWe guarantee a response to support queries within 12 hours, Monday through Friday. Please review our a href="/?page_id=4900"support policy/a to see exactly what's covered./div
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse11"What if I'm not happy with WPML?/a
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divJust a href="/?page_id=288"tell us/a and we refund your order. You don't need to explain or justify yourself. If you don't want to use WPML, you get your money back. We can issue refunds up to 30 days from the time you purchase.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse12"What are the differences between WPML and other multilingual plugins for WordPress/a
div id="collapse12" class="collapse purchase-faq-answer" role="tabpanel" data-parent="#buy-faq-wrap"
divWe put together a a href="/?page_id=894571"comparison between WPML and different multilingual WordPress plugins/a. See for yourself what you get and how much you'll need to pay for "free" plugins.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse13"Which translation services can I use with WPML?/a
div id="collapse13" class="collapse purchase-faq-answer" role="tabpanel" data-parent="#buy-faq-wrap"
WPML offers complete integration with many of the industry's
a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"
leading translation services
a href="/?page_id=1522239" rel="noopener" target="_blank"
translation management systems
. This integration allows you to send your site's content directly from the WordPress admin and receive back translations, free of technical issues. If your favorite service is not on that list, we can easily add them for you.
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse14"How do I change my payment method for account renewals?/a
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Once you already have a WPML account,
a href="/?page_id=216851"
and follow the instructions in
a href="/?page_id=3688101"
changing your payment method
div class="purchase-faq-item"
h3 class="purchase-faq-question"
a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse15"What is the permitted use of WPML?/a
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Please read our
a href="/?page_id=9350981"
Terms and Conditions
page for details about your rights and obligations when using WPML.
div class="wpml-purchase-link"Still have questions? a href="/?page_id=6318"Ask us!/a
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h2Want to see how WPML compares with other multilingual WordPress plugins?/h2
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