TM completed segments: 33

Other segments: 1

TM completed words: 170

Other words: 3

TM Completed sentences

Original Translated
1. This is a Heading es 1. This is a Heading
2. This is a paragraph es 2. This is a paragraph
3. Line two of Paragraph es 3. Line two of Paragraph
4. Heading 2 this should come after paragraph es 4. Heading 2 this should come after paragraph
Second headin Second headin
5. Image after second heading es 5. Image after second heading
6. List items after image es 6. List items after image
Liste item two es Liste item two
7. Heading 3 after image and list es 7. Heading 3 after image and list
Citation for the quote block es Citation for the quote block
8. QUote block Main text es 8. QUote block Main text
9. Button TEXT es 9. Button TEXT
10. Preformated text to edit es 10. Preformated text to edit
Column table pull-quote es Column table pull-quote
12. Some Poetry verse, Lonely in the sand hill down the valley its all empty with airy life at the verge of the sunset. es 12. Some Poetry verse, Lonely in the sand hill down the valley its all empty with airy life at the verge of the sunset.
13. A paragraph after the verse block es 13. A paragraph after the verse block
14. Grouping for seo content in Gen 3 Ui es 14. Grouping for seo content in Gen 3 Ui
15.a Key es 15.a Key
15.b Value es 15.b Value
15.c Book es 15.c Book
15.d PHP es 15.d PHP
15.e Rock es 15.e Rock
15.f Bottom es 15.f Bottom
15.g Table Caption es 15.g Table Caption
16. Main pull quote text es 16. Main pull quote text
16.a Citation for quote es 16.a Citation for quote
17. Column 1 Paragraph es 17. Column 1 Paragraph
Heading Added inside the column block es Heading Added inside the column block
List added inside the column es List added inside the column
Column list es Column list
18. Column 3 Paragraph es 18. Column 3 Paragraph
19. a Column 3 image caption es 19. a Column 3 image caption
19. Column 3 Image es 19. Column 3 Image

Other sentences

Original Similar TM records
Testing Blocks 24