TM completed segments: 1

Other segments: 7

TM completed words: 19

Other words: 62

TM Completed sentences

Original Translated
The baseline amount of water you should drink each day is at least six 8 ounce glasses each day. Podstawowa ilość wody, jaką należy pić każdego dnia, to co najmniej sześć szklanek o pojemności 200 ml każdego dnia.

Other sentences

Original Similar TM records
Measurement Metric Translation New
An average 20 ounce soda, for example, is actually 2 to 3 servings.
An average person is 5 ft. tall
The average height of a human being is 5 ft. usually.
A foot ruler is 12″ in length more often than not.
Terms & Conditions new page
A foot ruler is 12" in length more often than not.