TM completed segments: 12

Other segments: 3

TM completed words: 73

Other words: 52

TM Completed sentences

Original Translated
Conferences Konferencje
Conferences Konferencje
conference room manager kierownik sali konferencyjnej
Our expert event staff is available to help you every step of the way from planning through clean up. Nasz doświadczony personel eventowy służy pomocą na każdym etapie, od planowania po sprzątanie.
Hold your conference at the heart of the island Zorganizuj konferencję w sercu wyspy
Conference Rooms Sale konferencyjne
Attendees Uczestnicy
Rooms with sliding dividers Pokoje z przesuwanymi przegrodami
Actually, it's the only conference center on the island! Właściwie jest to jedyne centrum konferencyjne na wyspie!
Our rooms can accommodate groups of 10 all the way up to 300 attendees. Nasze pokoje mogą pomieścić grupy od 10 do 300 osób.
Contact Us Kontakt

Other sentences

Original Similar TM records
We offer 15 air-conditioned conference rooms equipped with audio, video, and projecting equipment such as multimedia projectors, DVD players, photocopiers - everything you might need for your event!
We provide sliding room dividers installed in 7 of our conference rooms which you can use to join or separate the rooms.