TM completed segments: 4
Other segments: 1
TM completed words: 51
Other words: 19
Original | Translated |
Measurement Metric Translations | Messung Metrische Umrechnungen |
An average 20 ounce soda, for example, is actually 2.5 servings. | Eine durchschnittliche 550 ml Limonade zum Beispiel entspricht 2,5 Portionen. |
The baseline amount of water you should drink each day is at least six 8 ounce glasses each day. | Die Grundmenge an Wasser, die Sie jeden Tag trinken sollten, beträgt mindestens sechs Gläser à 8 Unzen pro Tag. |
They found four ounces of pot, 2 ounces of cocaine, 2 ounces of ecstasy and three guns. | Sie fanden 50 Gramm Marihuana, 2 Gramm Kokain, 2 Gramm Ecstasy und drei Schusswaffen. |
Original | Similar TM records |
The police found 10 ounces of pot, 5 ounces of cocaine, 5 ounces of ecstasy in the terrorists home. |