TM completed segments: 4

Other segments: 1

TM completed words: 51

Other words: 19

TM Completed sentences

Original Translated
Measurement Metric Translations Messung Metrische Umrechnungen
An average 20 ounce soda, for example, is actually 2.5 servings. Eine durchschnittliche 550 ml Limonade zum Beispiel entspricht 2,5 Portionen.
The baseline amount of water you should drink each day is at least six 8 ounce glasses each day. Die Grundmenge an Wasser, die Sie jeden Tag trinken sollten, beträgt mindestens sechs Gläser à 8 Unzen pro Tag.
They found four ounces of pot, 2 ounces of cocaine, 2 ounces of ecstasy and three guns. Sie fanden 50 Gramm Marihuana, 2 Gramm Kokain, 2 Gramm Ecstasy und drei Schusswaffen.

Other sentences

Original Similar TM records
The police found 10 ounces of pot, 5 ounces of cocaine, 5 ounces of ecstasy in the terrorists home.