TM completed segments: 2

Other segments: 97

TM completed words: 4

Other words: 256

TM Completed sentences

Original Translated
Post 1 Post 1 - fr
The image The image - fr

Other sentences

Original Similar TM records
All the fields
The text
The textarea
The number
The range
The email
The url
The password
The file
The wysiwyg
The oEmbed
The gallery
The select
The checkbox
The radio button
The button group
The true false
The link
The post object
The page link
The relationship
The taxonomy
The user
The google map
The date picker
The date time picker
The time picker
The color picker
The message
The accordion
The tab
The group
Sub group
The repeater
Sub repeater
The flexible
The layout
sub flexible
The clone
The text instructions
The text placeholder
The text prepend
The text append
The text area instructions
the text area placeholder
The number instructions
The number placeholder
The number prepend
The number append
The range instructions
The range prepend
The range append
The email instructions
The email placeholder
The email prepend
The email append
The url instructions
The url placeholder
The password instructions
The password placeholder
The password prepend
The password append
The image instructions
The file instructions
The wysiwyg instructions
The oembed instructions
The gallery instructions
The select instructions
The checkbox instructions
The radio button instructions
The button group instructions
The true false instructions
The link instructions
The post object instructions
The page link instructions
The relationship instructions
The taxonomy instructions
The user instructions
The google map instructions
The date picker instructions
The date time picker instructions
The time picker instructions
The color instructions
The accordion instructions
The group instructions
The repeater instructions
The flexible instructions